Saturday, December 24, 2005

Movie Reviews

I have had a Netflix subscription for the last 6 months so I have watched about 60 movies since June, so I am going to start writing some reviews of ones I liked, favorite lines etc. Wow I am listening to Streaming radio right now and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch just came on. Sorry, thought I would throw that in there. Anyway look for those movie reviews soon, once I slow down here at work.

Christmas Eve II

So I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write in here. Sorry to all my devote fans. (Crickets chirping...) Well we just had a Christmas party for my immediate family. Parents, brothers and new sister. I got Madden 06 for the Playstation, can't wait to play, too bad I am here at work. And you know it wouldn't be a good post if I didn't tell you about all the delicious food my mom had. We had a ham and onion ball, summer sausage, crackers and cheese, and hamballs. And that was just hor'dourves. For dinner which no one was hungry for we had Hamburger sandwiches, brocolli slaw, and potato skins. Not that anybody was real hungry for that because of all the other food. Christmas cookies and ice cream for dessert. I have to make bbq's for the party tomorrow on my mothers side. You may know it as sloppy joes, but we call them bbq's, but thats an arguement for another day.

Its Christmas Eve and...

Its 12:30 am Christmas Eve and I am at work!! Yeah go Perrigo. Fun times. Great way to spend the holidays. Integration projects are fun.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hanging Christmas Lights Play by Play

5:10 - Get home from work. Decide that since its over 50 degrees out, tonight is my best chance to get the lights up and do the other outdoor things I needed to do.

5:15 - Get the ladder up in front and realize its not high enough for me to get onto the roof. Also first time I decide it sure would be nice to have someone there helping me.

5:18 - Carry ladder through house to the deck in back where I am able to climb up onto the roof.

5:20 - Begin attaching the clips to the siding to hold the light strand up. Up there I realize I am going to have to get down to do the front of the porch area and then get back up again to finish on the other side. Man I wish I had someone to help me.

6:10 Now pretty dark out but luckily I am working with lights so I can actually see. I get the lights strung up the other side of the gable and realize I am about 2 1/2 foot short.

6:11 - Expletive filled tirade.

6:12 - Decide that maybe I can get another couple feet out of the lights if I start back at the beginning and tighten the clips.

6:15 - First prayer of Thanksgiving that its the end of November but still over 50 degrees and not raining.

6:28 - I have gained about 12 inches, but I digress. :) Anyway I have gained enough extra length that it is just about equal and I decide its time to move onto hanging the garland and lights on the pillars, or so I thought.

6:35 - Krista comes home and decides it looks stupid just having lights on the gable and decides she wants ME to put them up over the garage and over the other 2 bedrooms in front. I think ok, not too hard to do the garage, but I am pretty sure my six foot ladder is not going to traverse the 15 foot difference on the other side of the house.

7:13 - The lights over the garage go up real easy, but I am beginning to wonder how I am going to plug everything in. Light count now stands at 300.

7:45 - Back on the roof again putting the lights and clips up over the spare bedroom with a 15 foot drop to the rocky retaining wall below.

7:52 - Decide that my hands and knees are really starting to hurt from all this climbing around on the roof. And don't even get me started on my back...

8:05 - Dinner time. But its so nice out I decide to eat my biscuits and gravy out on the porch (see even though its a post about christmas lights, I can still talk about food).

8:18 - Light count is now at 400 lights and I am beginning to worry how I am going to plug it all in.

8:34 - We begin to hang the garland on the pillars. 1 pillar done and light count now at 500.

8:42 - Sit and stare at the lights for 10 minutes trying to decide which way to string them all so they all plug in with the minimal amount of cords using terms like male end, female end, butts and dongs, etc.

9:07 - We are now out of prelight garland and we have to start making our own because the dutchman accountant in me decided that was cheaper. But in retrospect not necessarily smarter.

9:16 - Now is a great time to mention that Krista LOVES christmas lights. I learned last year that I am the designated light stringer for the foreseeable future in this relationship. So she is really loving me interupting her Las Vegas to have her help wrap the garland.

9:25 - We now have 2 pillars strung and I realize I left a butt at the bottom of the pillar so I don't know how I am going to plug that in.

9:26 - Shorter, clean expletive filled tirade.

9:38 - Commercial break, and we make the executive decision that we will string the other poles from the other way and leave the butt alone.

10:02 - The pillars are finally done and all the lights work. (Knock on wood). Total light count 800 lights. I take the scooter for a spin down to the road to see how she looks.

10:04 - Mission accomplished. Something for the neighbors to try and top. I couldn't compete with my crappy lawn this summer, that wasn't making anyone jealous. But I would love to see someone try to compete with my light display. Just try me. I have another 5-600 lights just chillin in the box waiting to be called into active duty. Try me neighbors, just try me. And since it still is the country I am just waiting for the first inflatable snowman. Got to love the yard garbage.

10:11 - I now realize I have taken about 5 hours to hang lights and my back and knees are killing me. Boy, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow...

Pie Count

Well I am sure everyone is wondering how many pieces of pie I have had in the last week. Well lets count. Thanksgiving lunch #1: 1 pumpkin, lunch #2: 1 pumpkin, dinner: 1 pecan, Friday lunch: 1 apple, dinner: 2 pecan 1 apple, Saturday: 1 apple, Sunday: 1 apple, Monday: 1 apple. So lets see that makes 10 slices in 5 days. Who's the pie man? Me of course. And to think I have only gained 1 pound.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stupid Questions to ponder over the Holidays

Here you go, get me the answers...

Can you cry under water?

How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Who was the first person to look at an egg come out of a chickens butt and say "That looks like some good eatin!"?

Why do toasters always have a setting that turns the toast into a charcoal briquette, which no decent human being would eat?

Real thought provoking right?? Have fun.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Guest Author

Its me again. My brother Dave will be joining from time to time as a guest writer. He thinks he is funny like me, so he is going to try to entertain as well. Look for hilarity from him soon.

Weekly Rant... Quesadilla Girl

I hate the Quesadilla girl. What is the quesadilla girl you might ask. Well she is a direct decendant of chicken finger girl. Quesadilla girl (QG) is just one small baby step past chicken finger girl (CFG). QG is adventourous enough to allow her boyfriend/husband/etc. to go to a resturant other than say Applebee's or Fridays or any of the other cookie cutter restaurants. And on the whole drive there she is just hoping and wishing that if this restaurant doesn't have chicken fingers on the menu, I hope they at least have a nice chicken quesadilla on the menu. Going to a restaurant and only eating a hunk of chicken and fries or a tortilla shell with cheese and chicken, is unadventurous. (Of course the quesadilla will come with veggies in it, sour cream, and salsa, but QG 86's those because they are yucky.) Whats the point in even eating if those are your staples in life? Come on live a little. You know all restaurants have one or both on the menu, take a look I guarantee I am right. They would go out of business if they didn't because they would lose millions of finicky eaters and their dinner guests. If you think about QG and CFG carry a lot of clout in this world. To sum it up they really bug me, when I see these people out in restaurants you know exactly who QG is, she is looking at the menu with an upturned nose frantically searching for the quesadilla section, and then you can tell when she finally finds them listed in the appetizer section because a look of relief and joy comes over her face and everyone in the place breathes a sigh of relief knowing their won't be a Quesozilla on a rampage tonight. Do you know a Quesadilla Girl or a Chicken Finger Girl? Are you that girl? Am I wrong? Wow even my rants involve food. I am glad I am married to a woman who actually eats real food, but come to think of it I think she had her own quesadilla/chicken finger phase, thank god she grew out of it. Well until next time when I will discuss how girls today along with Tyson Farms are ruining society because they are so used to all white meat chicken breasts and think that chicken on the bone is gross and yucky.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Leah's bonus question...

Thanks Leah!

If people in Michigan count by saying 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, etc. How do people in Mississippi count?

Stupid Question for the week of 11/14

So how has everyone enjoyed the previous questions? Very thought provoking right? Well here is this weeks brain churner...

Who is Jimmy? Why does he crack corn? And if no one cares, why does he continue to do it?

Well I guess that was a 3 part question, but a good one non the less...

5 Reasons I Hate Snow

Does anyone dread winter like me? I know Brian is not a fan. And just think Bri, now you get to drive 31 everyday too!! You are lucky.

So here is my top 5 reasons...

1. Its cold
2. Driving in it sucks a fat one
3. Shoveling it makes me go to the chiropractor
4. Makes me crabby
5. Its wet, and I hate being wet.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bonus Stupid Question...

Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Huh, huh? Do you know?

Stupid Questions for the Week of 11/7

Ok we have a couple today, and as usual, give me your feedback....

Do vegitarians eat animal crackers?

If a turtle loses his shell is he naked or homeless?

Please post your answers and any questions you would like answered...

Gregg's Bachelor Party

The big day is quickly approaching for the 2 lovebirds from opposite sides of the freeway. 23 days and they are hitched and off to their 2nd choice of honeymoon spots since Wilma decided to go prehistoric on their last choice. But first of course you have to do the fun stuff. The bachelor party. So this Saturday is going to be filled with gun shots, welts, cries of pain, charred animal flesh, and lots of booze. And if we are lucky, no broken bones. We can only hope to put Gregg in lots of akward situations, and maybe even annoy Amanda a little. But its a groomsman's job. And we willingly take on that task. I can't wait to met Diamond and Cinnamon...

Dish Network

The Oldebekking Estate is moving right past the 20th and into the 21st century tomorrow cause we are discarding the tv with rabbit ears and upgrading to Dish Network. Jackpot! It even has a DVR baby, now I can finally tape the shows I have been missing for months, 3 months of HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime all for $19.99 a month for a year, can't beat it. If anybody else wants in on the $19.99 deal ($12 less than getting it from Dish Network directly, holla at me, and I will get you the hookup!).

Purdue Wins!

Poor Michigan State they just can't buy a win. They are offically the 2nd worst team in the Big Ten. We had fun in West Lafayette. Hi Colleen! We went to the game and we went to an improv show Saturday night at the civic theather in Lafayette. It was funny. And of course Krista's favorite part of the whole weekend... the trip to Super Target! What makes it super you might ask...? Well it has groceries of course. I think Krista almost wet herself she was so excited to go. But I am here to report, it does smell the same. (Inside joke). Just ask Krista about it sometime and she will gladly indulge you in her Target fetish. Well it wouldn't be a blog post if I didn't give you a run down of what we ate that weekend. We ate at La Scala for dinner Saturday night, I had a Pizza Bianca (Chicken, herbs, pinenuts, etc.) and Krista the tortellini. After the improv show we stopped for ice cream at the Silver Dipper... oh wait hold on a sec, let me pick up that name I just dropped. Anyway I had a scoop of peanut butter cookie dough and a scoop of Fat Elvis, not to be confused with Fat Bastard of Austin Powers fame, although I did look at my cone and say, "I'm gonna eat cha!". Fat Elvis is banana ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate, not bad. It is getting me closer to my life long goal of having one of Elvis' favorite sandwiches some day. Grilled peanut butter, banana, bacon, and honey sandwich. Anyone else game?

Friday, November 04, 2005


Krista and I are going down to West Lafayette to visit Colleen this weekend. While there we will also be partaking of the Purdue v. MSU game. Haven't decided who I am going to root for, since neither of them wear maize and blue, but it should still be a lot of fun. And we will get to hang out with Colleen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Big Time BONUS Stupid Question...

If you were kidnapped, what would you consider to be a reasonable ransom? Do you think your loved ones would "pay up" or try to ambush the kidnapper, putting your life in danger?

Valid question I think with the the recent rash of kidnappings... what was that.... ok maybe I made that rash up.

Stupid Question for the Week of 10/24

Sorry I am a bit late this week... I've been busy... Had to get a haircut.

Do you consider your self more of a head-butter or a groin kicker?

Valid question, lets hear the responses.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Turkey Time

Only 30 days till turkey time!! 30 days till I am F.F.A.! I loves me some turkey, stuffing, taters, noodles, corn, broccoli, and pumpkin pie. And then the best part, left over cold turkey sandwiches, almost better than Thanksgiving dinner, but not quite. Great now I am hungry...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Stupid Question for the Week of 10/17

Not sure anybody gave me an answer on the last one. Come on guys lets make this blog worth my time. Here is this week's question...

If you could be invisible for an hour every day, what would you do during that hour?

There, this one should solicite some responses...

Honeymoon Travel Day (I'm Famous!!)

Up early to finish packing. Shorter ride to the airport this time because we are flying a prop plane out of the smaller airport in Castries. Stopping in Barbados and Charlotte, then on to Detroit. Hope to be home by 3 am Monday the 10th. In Barbados, the flight attendants had a bet going that I was an actor. I said no, but I am kicking myself for not asking who they thought I was... Do I look like someone famous? This is what I looked like at the time. Post your thoughts.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Honeymoon Day 8 (Last Day)

I lay here again full and sleepy. Unfortuneatly today is our last day. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. Woke up around 8. Had french toast, Krista her usual. Rushed down to the beach for the good chairs. Got them just in time... for another overcast day on the beach. It's rainy season, what can you do. Got Krista in the water finally, and then she didn't want to get out. Had lunch again at the beach bar, we split the bbq chicken sandwich. We are both beginning to dream of what foods we are going to eat when we get home like we have been stranded on a deserted island or something. Krista wants Double Stuffed Oreos, and I want Taco Bell. Krista said if David ate her Oreos while we are gone, she is going to go over there and lay a whoopin' on him. Went back to the room @ 2:30 cause Krista was sick of being wet, downfall of swimming I guess. We showered and vegged until dinner. A T-storm came through and cooled it down enough outside that we could both just swing in the hammock for awhile . Krista put on the LBD and we went off to Kai Manje for dinner. We both decided we were sick of gourmet food, but this was our last dinner. Krista had the Jerk Chicken, I started with the spinach ravioli in a nutmeg cream sauce and the West Indies Curry Pork Tenderloin with sweet fried plantains. The carmel dessert was forgettable. We topped it off with our new favorite wine the Orvieto. On the way out we stopped and talked to the friends we had made over the week and said our good-byes. Its kinda weird since we almost all had something in common, getting married on 10/1. We went back to the room and did some packing, we are leaving Ti Kaye tomorrow at 10:30 am. :(

Honeymoon Day 7 (Friday the 7th)

Up late today. Slept through breakfast. Had some fruit, yogurt, and granola left over from the wine and fruit basket. Hit the beach around 11:30 and it was nice the whole day for once. We had lunch at the beach bar at 12:30ish, I had the strip steak and Krista the chicken sandwich. Once back at our chairs I took out the kayak to work off some of lunch. While I was out in the bay I heard some commotion behind me and I turn around and its an old pirate ship. I felt like I was in Pirates of the Caribbean, which is actually being filmed up in the Bahamas as we speak. I also snorkeled in front of the dive shop, lots of fish and coral. Fun to see. Some people said jellyfish had started to come into the bay while they were out there, all about the size of tennis balls, but I didn't see any of those. We packed up around 3, and as we were walking back to Awa it started to rain, perfect timing on Krista's part. We then showered in the rain storm and read and napped unitl about 6. We then walked to the wine deck and took some pics of us, and the sunset. After that we went back and changed for dinner. Dinner was nice tonight because all but 3 guests at the resort when to the fish fry in the town of Anse La Raye so we basically had the whole restaurant to ourselves. I started with a garden salad with feta cheese and a basalmic dressing. The main course was NY Strip, Cajun fries, and veggies in a pinot noir reduction. It was very good. Krista and I both enjoyed it. We (I mean I) finished our bottle of Rose d' Anjou along with the carrot cake. Now I lay here a little tipsy, and a little sunburned. Tommorow is the last day... :(

Honeymoon Day 6

Another rainy day. Up early again. Off to breakfast by 8:30. I had the English breakfast again, Krista shocked the world and tried the French Toast. Water taxi left for Castries at 9:30 with Manu driving again. Castries is the capital of St. Lucia. After a spin through Marigot bay we got dropped off right by the market in Castries. We did some shopping, Krista bought a shirt, a purse, and we bought some coasters. At the Duty Free we bought some rum, postcards, and Krista got some sandals. We then went to the supermarket and picked up some Cherry Coke to go with the rum. M&M's too, yum. We then took a rainy ferry ride with the other couples we were with to Froggie Jack's resturant. I had the Lasagna and Krista had the Spagetti Carbonara we split the tater skins which were really kinda weird compared to the American version, but good none the less. We topped it off with some delicious baked lemon cheesecake. Once back at Ti Kaye we had a drink at the bar with Charla, Harlan, Cindy, Victor, Eric, & Ronnie, all the couples that we have been hanging out with over the course of the week. We then headed back up to the room for a nap. Dinner was at 8 pm tonight. Deep fried brie, Tempura Lime Chicken & 151 proof Bananas Flambe. Very potent, but very good. Went with the Orvieto Campogrande wine again tonight still very tasty. Now its 10pm, bed time again. Hopefully the sun makes an extended appearance tomorrow because we are running out of beach days.

Honeymoon Day 5 (10/5)

Up early for breakfast. Pancakes this time. Krista had the same as every other day eggs, taters, bacon, and toast. We left on the water taxi @ 10 and headed south to Soufriere. Manu dropped us off on the docks and then Earl the taxi driver took us to the Botanical Gardens. Shakka told us a lot about the native plants. We then toured the Diamond Waterfall which was cool. When then went to the Sulfer Springs/drive-in volcano. It stunk, literally. Ba doom! We then went to a nice restaurant while Mother Nature did her daily soaking of the island. I am sure Earl was getting a nice kickback for bring us all there (10 couples on the trip), but the Chicken Roti that I has was delicious. I really need to eat more Indian food. We then went on to New Jerusalem to the hot and cold springs. They were hot and stinky. On the walk back through the rainforest we had crossed a stream that was no more than a trickle on the way there. As we were crossing it to leave Krista and I could step on the rocks to cross, but because it had been raining all day and we were near the bottom of the volcano/mountain the stream flow picked up almost instantly. The last people to cross had to wade through foot deep water in their shoes just to cross safely. By the time we got back to the boat for Manu to take us back to Ti Kaye the sun was out again. Used a lot of money to tip today, but it was a fun day. At 5:30 Cleus brought our Wine and Fruit basket just in time for the sunset. It had lots of fruit, cookies, cashews from the island, etc. We also got lots of great pics of the sunset over the Caribbean Sea. Shakka today, taught us why cashews are so expensive compared to other nuts. They actually are the "seed" that grows inside a fruit. And a one tree only produces about 20 lb of cashews a year. The fruit is very acidic and if you were to break it open and rub it on your skin it would burn your skin off, or if you would eat it, it would burn your throat. So they have to let them dry so the acid goes away before they can get the cashew nut out. So now you learned something. And you will think twice about how much work went into that handful of nuts in your hand. Went to dinner at 8. It was a BBQ buffet. I started with a red bean and coconut milk soup which was good. I then had steak, jerk chicken, and even a little Mahi Mahi, which of course tasted like chicken. They also had pasta salad, curry potato salad, breadfruit salad, and fried plantains as accompaniments. Guava, Banana, and Chocolate ice cream with cinnamon coconut bread for dessert. The band was also really good, partly because I had had 3/4 of a bottle of champange and 3/4 of another bottle of Rose D' Anjou. They actually used my name in song that can't be repeated, but in the end they did say that my wife confirmed that I had an Intercontinental Ballistic Missle. Their words not mine. 10:30 and I am still buzzing strong!

Honeymoon Day 4

Woke up a bit early today. Gary the gecko was back in the room this morning, he seems to stop by for a visit on the wall by the air conditioner every morning, just long enough to freak Krista out. I had the English breakfast this morning. Burned my mouth on the baked beans, made me feel like Gregg. Went right to the beach around 10:30 today to maximize our sun worship. As usual it clouded up once we got there. Looking back on it though we did burn a bit today. Started to sprinkle around 1 pm, instead of risking it we came back to the room. Our cottage is called Awa, which in french patois means "Hell No!", well at least according to our server at dinner, Cleus. We had lunch in the restaurant which is called Kai Manje which means "House of Food". I have the cheese and cracker plate and the creole chicken for lunch. Krista had garlic bread which she loved and a ham and cheese baguette which she also claimed was good. Went back to the room @ 3 pm because we could see the rain coming in the bay. Right after we got back to Awa it poured for over an hour. I went inside to the A/C and read while Krista slept. The wine and fruit basket we ordered never came, which was fine because of the rain. Had dinner reservations at 8:30. I started off with the Pineapple Chicken Satay and the Jerk Pork Tenderloin with an apple clove demi glaze. It was good. For the wine package we tried a Chilean Sauv Blanc called Sunset. Krista said it was dry and only had a 1/2 glass, I continued my recurring theme for the week and had 3/4 of the bottle, so the buzz is finally wearing off. Soufriere tomorrow! (pronounced Sue-free)

Honeymoon Day 3 (10/3)

We finally got some rest. Sleep is good. Got up for breakfast around 9. I had french toast & sausage, Krista had eggs, toast, taters, and bacon. Breakfast is free and filling. We hit the beach around 11. Very hot, got seats in the shade. It was the St. Lucian Thanksgiving holiday so the beach was packed with locals. I had a Banana Cow cocktail and we shared a burger at lunch. The burger had a lot of garlic in it but the fries were real good. At 2 we went back up the the room because we were having our complimentary massages at 3. It was my first and it was very relaxing. Dinner was at 7:30 and it was another fantastic meal. I even picked another good wine to go with my beef tenderloin and Krista's Chicken Fettucini Alfredo. It was Italian, Campgrande Orvieto. It was white and not too dry, will have to find it when we get back to the states. We had veggie spring rolls with an orange dipping sauce as an appetizer and we had various sorbets for dessert. One was Passion Fruit, and I can't remember the other 2, but one tasted like cotton candy with a cinnamon aftertaste, it was quite good. After dinner we went back to the room and read until we fell asleep.

Nick's Honeymoon Journal Day 1 & 2

The "big day" has come and gone, yet its still here. Its 9pm on Sunday the 2nd, and I think I have offically been up for 36 hours straight. But what an amazing 36 hours it has been. We started the day out a little behind, but we got to the church on time. Pictures went ok. But of course first I got to see my beautiful wife. Then Michigan won just like the day we were engaged. Hail to the Victors. Then we wedded and partied. Are those words? I don't care because this is where the day gets long. At 2 am we leave the Oldebekking compound with Gord and Donna taking us to Detroit . I took the first shift driving and some how got us to Brighton with out falling asleep. Gordo took it from there and the wife and I were on the way to St. Lucia. After a layover in Philly we touched down in SL and it felt like it was 104 degrees out. One and a half hour car ride later on a island that is only 28 miles wide and we were at Ti Kaye. But boy what a ride. Only got told once by the driver that I had no proper etiquette because I opened the door myself. Stupid American. Had a welcome rum punch or two at the bar and then went to check out the cottage. Amazing view, awesome bed, comfy hammock and cool outdoor shower. Who picked this place you might ask, why me of course after months of reasearch, at this point its looking like it paid off. Dinner continued the awesomeness that is Ti Kaye. We started with a bottle of wine, the first of many. A French blush wine called Rose D'Anjou. I started with the Spicy Pepper Pot Stew and the West Indies Jerk Pork, yum! I topped it off with the banana fritters. We now lay under the mosquito netting ready to pass out. Have I really been up for 36 hours?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Stupid Question for Week of 10/10

I'm back and stupider than ever. Is that a word? No that's not the question. Got some comments from the last question, but no answers or new stupid questions for me to ask/ponder. So keep posting. Make this blog worth my while. Brian I will explain to you what a blog is later... Here's this weeks question...

Why is it called a navel? Do you thing people with "innies" are more introverted than people with "outies"? Does the shape of your navel have anything to do with your sea worthiness?

Well I guess that was 3 stupid questions, but do you have an answer?

We are back!!

We are back. Tanner and better than ever. Well we are kind of tired now because we got back at 3 am today. But off to work tomorrow. Yippee! Haven't opened the gifts yet, so that should be fun. Doing that on Wednesday. Stay tuned for "Nick's Daily Journal" from the honeymoon. It is a hard hitting expose' pretty much giving you a first hand account of what we ate over the course of the week while in St. Lucia. I will also post some pics for all to see.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Wedding

Here are some pics from the big day!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

National "Ask a Stupid Question Day"

Did you know tomorrow the 30th is Ask a Stupid Question Day? How have I missed this holiday? I love it! I am full of useless info and stupid questions. I am never going to forget it again since it will always be the day before my anniversary. I am going to start a weekly post, Stupid Question of the Week. Here is week 1, please post your answers along with any stupid questions you might have...

"What do people in China call their good plates?"


Rehearsal Tonight

It just keeps getting better!! So last night one of the ushers fractures his fibula at football practice, time to find a new usher cause its probably not real easy to escort people in a cast. And now I just got off the phone with Krista who by the way has a dry socket from when she had her wisdom teeth removed last week, and guess whose tux is the one that didn't get ordered. Only the GROOM'S, no big deal right. Fun times.

The Cottages

This is what the cottages that we will be staying in look like. Hopefully the mosquitoes don't get too bad! :)

Final Countdown

According to my calculations... only 74 hours till I have a drink in my hand, sitting in the sun in St. Lucia. What will you be doing then? At least I don't have anything else planned between now and then.... Oh wait.