Saturday, December 24, 2005

Movie Reviews

I have had a Netflix subscription for the last 6 months so I have watched about 60 movies since June, so I am going to start writing some reviews of ones I liked, favorite lines etc. Wow I am listening to Streaming radio right now and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch just came on. Sorry, thought I would throw that in there. Anyway look for those movie reviews soon, once I slow down here at work.

Christmas Eve II

So I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write in here. Sorry to all my devote fans. (Crickets chirping...) Well we just had a Christmas party for my immediate family. Parents, brothers and new sister. I got Madden 06 for the Playstation, can't wait to play, too bad I am here at work. And you know it wouldn't be a good post if I didn't tell you about all the delicious food my mom had. We had a ham and onion ball, summer sausage, crackers and cheese, and hamballs. And that was just hor'dourves. For dinner which no one was hungry for we had Hamburger sandwiches, brocolli slaw, and potato skins. Not that anybody was real hungry for that because of all the other food. Christmas cookies and ice cream for dessert. I have to make bbq's for the party tomorrow on my mothers side. You may know it as sloppy joes, but we call them bbq's, but thats an arguement for another day.

Its Christmas Eve and...

Its 12:30 am Christmas Eve and I am at work!! Yeah go Perrigo. Fun times. Great way to spend the holidays. Integration projects are fun.